Your business or organization has touched the lives of many people – the people who work with you, the people you’ve served, your associates, and the people of your community. A professionally written history can serve as a touchstone for all those people – a lasting, meaningful record of your growth and success.
A business or organization history tells the story of how it all began, who gave heart and soul to the organization, and what important turning points set the course of change. Your history defines your vision of success, and provides insight and inspiration for those who carry that vision forward.
Reinforce Core Values by telling the stories that illustrate your guiding vision.
Inspire Employee Pride, giving your book as an orientation tool for new employees, and a proud keepsake for those who have helped build your success.
Celebrate Major Milestones and thank the people who helped to get you there.
Honor Key Contributors by inviting them to share their memories and wisdom.
Impress Potential Partners with a product that reflects your professionalism.
Leave a Lasting Legacy for those who will lead your organization into the future.